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The Notion Formula Cheat Sheet

If you haven't yet, start with the definitive introduction to formulas.


We're continuously adding useful functions with demo videos. Be sure you're subscribed to the newsletter and YouTube so you catch each one.

Function Description Example Demo
dateAdd() Adds time to a date. dateAdd(prop("Date Property"), 30, "days") Demo
dateSubtract() Subtracts time from a date. dateSubtract(prop("Date Property"), 30, "days") Demo


Operators are one of two ways you can specify the actions to perform on your input values (the other being functions). They're the simple symbols you're mostly familiar with, like + and >.

Arithmetic Operators.

Arithmetic operators perform calculations or manipulate numeric data.

TitleSymbol Example
Addition+ 3 + 2 → 5
Subtraction- 7 - 4 → 3
Multiplication* 3 * 5 → 15
Division/ 10 / 2 → 5
Modulo (Remainder)% 10 % 3 → 1
Exponentiation^ 2 ^ 3 → 8

Comparison Operators.

Comparison operators evaluate conditions between two values, returning true or false.

TitleSymbol Example
Equal to== 5 == 5 → true
Not equal to!= 5 != 3 → true
Greater than> 7 > 5 → true
Less than< 3 < 8 → true
Greater than or equal to>= 5 >= 5 → true
Less than or equal to<= 3 <= 5 → true

Logical Operators.

Logical operators combine or modify boolean (true/false) values.

TitleSymbol Example
Logical ANDand true and false → false
Logical ORor true or false → true
Logical NOTnot not true → false
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